Thursday, August 8, 2013

ZoiVi/NuViza is a possible Pyramid Scheme

(Note: Some of the informations presented in this blog is more or less outdated, to see updated information, click on the tab "ZoiVi News". Also, starting from April 2014, "Whistleblower" is no longer the person who originally created this blog, all the comments after that time was made by a completely new owner. Since 9/28/2014, Zoivi changed their name to "NuViza", everything you read here applies as usual.)

If you're reading this, it's probably because someone is trying to recruit you into the company. And if that's the case, then you're doing the right thing by researching the company. Congrats on doing your homework to see what you're getting yourself into.

When I first found out about ZoiVi, I instantly looked it up on Google to find out whether or not it's a scam because after I heard that they took my friend out to eat on the first day just hours after the long "interview" and "training," it sounded very suspicious. However, when I typed "ZoiVi scam" in the search engines, I got a bunch of bogus dummy reviews, a couple of them being video reviews that don't even talk about the company. If you ran into any of these before reading this blog post, then I'm sure that they confused you and didn't really tell you what you want to know. Yes, these so-called "reviews" do say ZoiVi is good, but they don't actually really tell you anything about the company itself. It's just a bunch of garbage about how to market and build your business. It looks like they put a lot of SEO (search engine optimization) work behind their name to draw in skeptics such as myself who know that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Any company that has to flood Google with so much nonsense has something to hide.

Anyway, let me give you a little bit of background information. ZoiVi International (sometimes nicknamed Zvi or ZV International, but usually just called ZoiVi) was founded by a man by the name of Ahmad Evaji. It started in Graham, North Carolina but is now based mainly in New York City and is focusing its expansion there. They used to have an office located in 220 West 30th Street, Manhattan 10001 but they don't own that space anymore; they now do their interviews in other places, like the Starbucks in 34th St. It's hard to find information about Evaji, but what I do know is that he:
  • has been in the United States for 10 years (as of 2013) and is 31 years old
  • "owns" a small mansion in Bayside, Queens
  • used to be a rep for YOR Health and USANA, both of which are well-known pyramid schemes. In fact, YOR Health had an $11 million lawsuit against it for operating a pyramid scheme. He held a high position in both of these companies and brought some of his downline from these companies into his current one. Saul Tepizila (a pretentious jerk) is one example.
At this point, you can probably already tell that I don't like this company. Yes, it is a pyramid scheme. It looks like Evaji learned in his previous MLM companies that the only way for him to make any real money with this business model is by creating his own MLM company, so he can be at the top level of the pyramid with nobody else to feed above him. Those at the top of the pyramid structure make the most money since they make their big bucks off the efforts of those below them, not to mention that distributors must buy the products and then sell it to someone else for a profit. Yes, Evaji is in control of a pyramid scheme and this company, while technically legal, is actually a quasi-legal pyramid scheme and you will most likely NOT make any money from this. The majority of people in this company aren't making any money. In fact, over 99% of MLM participants actually lose more than they make, and ZoiVi is no exception. They'll try to make you think you can do it. but every MLM will tell you that to try and push you. This business model has been around for so long that they always have to attack at a new angle, and ZoiVi has done the same.

So what kind of products does ZoiVi actually work with? Well, they specialize in health and wellness and sell products meant to restore the body to its natural state. Their products are overpriced like in any other MLM since these companies have to make the money. But what they seem to hype the most is their detox product. Evaji talks about his products like they're some kind of miraculous potions but everyone knows that detoxes aren't even scientifically proven to work. Sure, you can go on their website ( and see before and after pitctures, and yeah, people do lose weight with this product, but you will experience this with any detox. Scientists have repeatedly tested detoxes and not once have they ever seen actual toxins removed from their body with such products. All of the weight lost is from water and other things cleared out of your intestines to make you think you're losing weight.. Your liver and colon perform the "detoxification" function just fine... They try to scare you into believing that you're a walking bag of toxins, but our bodies just don't work that way. If you really want to help your liver get rid of toxins, all you have to do is eat a healthful diet that consists of plenty of water and fiber. Got it? Good. A lot of these MLMs are scams but actually provide you with a good (yet very expensive) product, but ZoiVi doesn't even have that. Don't listen to their nonsense about how you can see the toxins, how it helped them get over their asthma, etc. It this detox really did work, Evaji would be the first person in history to prove that detoxes can eliminate toxins. But instead, he makes up stories about how his products saved his mother's life!
(UPDATE: ZoiVi's new websites are and

At the end of the day, who are you going to listen to: doctors with medical degrees? Or people who have never stepped a foot in college, without any type of degree? You'd at least expect the top reps to have degrees in nutrition if not medical degrees. Think of it this way: the former has nothing to gain by saying that detox products are scams, while the latter is interested in your pocket. Doesn't take a critical thinker to figure that one out! Apparently MLM is leading the way in research and development, and it's all led by a guy who has never stepped foot in a university. In fact, they teach you here that college is a scam, that working a 9 to 5 job is for slaves and that you should be your own boss by "owning your own business with them." Talk about hating on the establishment.

Read more about detoxes here if you're interested:

There's no real reason to buy products from this company, but the products is not where the scam is at. The products are simply there to keep the company legal. Why? Because they are meant to hide the pyramid structure. For those of you who don't know how MLM works, basically what is going to happen if you join is you're going to pay for the products you sell. Then, you will have to bug your friends and family into buying your crap products. This creates awkward pressure when you're in the home of friends and family you haven't seen in a while, trying to make a buck off of them. It's hard to say no. It's hard for them to make the decision not to support you. You'll find people buying your $143 detox (yes, that's the actual price) because they want to support you, but that's pretty much all they're doing because they're not getting anything out of the product. When you sell something, the person who recruited you gets a cut. Yes, the uninvolved guy who got you into this mess gets a cut of every sale you will ever make. Then the person who recruited that guy gets a cut as well, and so on, until the last of it goes to Evaji, the guy who just sits back as he watches his drones do all of his hard work for him. That's why he's "retired;" he doesn't have to do anything. His slaves do his hard work for him! This company is not about selling product, it's about getting more people to join. They will make you start recruiting people on your very first day, after the interview. When you understand this concept, then you start to understand why the person who recruited you was so eager to get you to join. You start to understand why this company didn't ask you for a résumé. You start to understand why these guys literally SOLD you the job. It's because they have something to get out of you since it's all about paying to get your job in reality. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where the scam is at: it's a recruitment scheme.

If you have an appointment for an interview with these guys, you were probably told that you were gonna get squeezed in to see someone important, that you had to dress sharp, not to make them look bad, etc. (At the end of this post, I'll provide the cold calling script they use, along with some other stuff, for anyone who is interested.) I recommend you do not even show up. If you want to go and get their side of the story, then that's fine, do as you please. But let me warn you, it's not a typical interview... It lasts about 3 hours and they take you out to eat after, but I've heard people say they were there for as long as 5 hours. It probably depends on who interviews you. But let me tell you how the interview is going to go... First, they'll ask about you and what you do. What you do for a living, what you're studying in school, all of that good stuff. Then they will deviate into what they do and give you some rehearsed sob story about how they had no money until they joined ZoiVi. They'll try to inspire you because they can relate to you. They know you're probably someone who is desperate for a job and they know what it's like to job hunt. They'll show you some PowerPoint-like presentation as well, trying to show you how much of a money-maker this is, how you can own your own business with Zoivi (which just isn't true, you don't own a business through ZoiVi, you just sell their products. It's just a dealership), how Donald Trump endorses the MLM industry (also garbage, there is no evidence of that), and other lies and exaggerations in order to try to sell you the job. You know how interviews are typically 15 or 20 minutes of you trying to impress the guy interviewing you? Forget about that. At ZoiVi, it's hours of them telling you why you should pay them to work. At the end of the interview, suddenly they'll tell you "Here. Pay me $390, $780, or $1,170 for a package. The more you pay, the more you make!" Well, they will be more subtle than that, but that's basically what it is. If this is something you think you can bear, then go ahead and at least give it a chance. You don't have to listen to me. But if you're gullible and easy to persuade, these guys are really good con men and will probably find a way to make you pay money you don't want to pay. They have crazy talking skills. Oh, and there are no refunds either, so good luck selling at least $390 worth of stuff to your friends.

"Business cult" probably gives the most accurate description of this company. It's a cult, plain and simple. It's so bad that the most brainwashed people put "Zvi" or ZoiVi" at the end of their names on Facebook. Try to find any of their profiles on Facebook. You'll find that they live and breathe ZoiVi. It's all they ever talk about, all their statuses are vaguely about opportunity and success and fulfilling your dreams and avoiding negative people and all of this other optimistic mumbo jumbo from people who are most likely losing more money than they make. They have conferences all the time, where Evaji does a presentation to motivate you, trying to make you forget that part of your brain where your common sense is and replacing it with meaningless hope to make you not even think twice about quitting before you lose more of your hard-earned money. Because Evaji teaches you that if you're positive, you will make it. They worship this man like a god, all because he has money. He's got everybody brainwashed. Evaji literally has not done anything to make this world a better place. These people are just so obsessed with becoming rich that they are willing to trust this strange man who asks them to pay to work... As if you're going to make a good living selling products that make you shit. The only real way to make money here is to get a lot of people recruited below you. It's all about exploiting people, to make money off of others who will most certainly lose money. It's a long chain of exploitation. Think of all the friends you'll lose. Think of how materialistic you're going to look. Think of that guy that was your best friend until you tried to make him your moneymaker. Do you really want to be known as the person who has something to gain from people other than their friendship? It might sound crazy, but this is really what's going on in this company. The top reps show off so much luxury to try and convince you that you can be like them some day. But personally, I don't like dirty money. If I ever get wealthy, I want to achieve it in such a way that feels fulfilling. I want to make a difference, and not at the expense of others. The people here call the company their family, and the top reps only interact with each other as they are the only ones who are in on the scam. This company is a conspiracy, and only a select few know what's going on.

These guys literally spend all 7 days of the week together; they're either having fun and taking a million pictures of it to entice others to join or at the office calling people and setting up appointments. They talk about how they'll "take over" one day, but tell me, when was the last time you saw an MLM really explode? You never have because they never do. Amway, the biggest, most successful MLM in the world, is not exactly taking over. It's funny how  the most successful MLM has become one of the most well-known active scams in the world today. The top reps in ZoiVi even post pictures of their checks to make things seem legit. They try to reel people in with materialism. Tell me... Who is that eager to make others rich? Why do they need to go through so much to convince others that this thing is legit? And if this is such a great way to make a lot of money, why isn't everyone doing it instead of applying to ordinary retail jobs, and why are so few of the representatives actually making money? None of these questions have a real answer. They want you to join because (and this is the key thing you need to understand) they need you more than you need them. You are their source of income.

Most of the people here are young college kids with no business experience, so the "leaders" tend to hang around college campuses trying to con students that are having a hard time getting a job. The majority of people in this company are Asians. Nobody in this company really knows what's going on, though. They get titles such as bronze, silver, gold, leader, expansion director, and a bunch of other stuff like that but to achieve these ranks you basically have to buy a lot of products, so you're pretty much paying for your rank and working harder for no extra money for a meaningless rank designed to make you think you're getting somewhere. Nobody knows where the money comes from for the all-expense paid trips or the mansion. What they don't know is that they're the ones paying for all this stuff... And they wonder how this guy got rich.

That's about all I have to say for now. I hope people read this and see the company for what it really is. It's not as big as Amway or Nu Skin or Herbalife, so nobody has really made a post like this, although I know former reps that quit once they figured out they were being manipulated in all sorts of ways. Take this post however you like, but always remember not to trust people like this - people who have a vested interest in your wallet. And keep in mind that I have nothing to gain from this post. I'm just hoping that I can save someone from losing anything to this poor excuse for a company, whether it be their money or well-being or someone they care about. I almost lost someone I love to these control freaks.

ZoiVi's primary goal is not to bring health and wellness to the world; it's to sell the hopeless business opportunity to people desperate enough to turn to this means to make money.
MLM is mathematically unsustainable and the only way to really succeed is off the failures of others below you. It never works, no matter how they word around it. Learn more about the MLM industry at

If you have any questions, want to just talk, or want to send me an angry e-mail defending the very organization that is robbing you or anything else at all, you're more than welcome to e-mail me: or leave a comment below.

And remember that there is no such thing as easy money.

Below are some of their documents, like the cold calling script, the compensation plan, etc. Take a look through these if you want. Also included below is Ahmad Evaji's public record file. Note how his name is not on any of his mansions. They were probably rented or leased, even though he says otherwise. And look at how many homes he has lived in over the years. If you do a reverse look-up on these addresses, you'll find that he was staying in the homes of his representatives.
(Again, some of these might be outdated.)

Ahmad Evaji's public record file:
Flipchart: (they show you this the day of the interview)
Basic Inviting:
Customer Demo:
Customer Demo (Updated):
Dial 4 Dollars:
The Self Invite:
ZoiVi Compensation Plan:


  1. Wow thank you so much for this post. I was approached by some guy today near my college and told me everything exactly as it's said in the self invite. It sounded kinda fishy which is why I wanted to do some research. My "interview" is scheduled for tomorrow but after reading this I'm definitely not going. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. No problem! And thank you for actually taking the time to read all of this. I'm glad this is getting several views a day.

    2. Thank you do you have any information on the "training" that is provided in the enrollment package?

    3. This is a former rep in reply to your question. I was there for eight months and we had three different trainings per week. There is the Tuesday night training call, Wednesday night team leadership training, and Thursday's New Leadership Orientation (NLO). The trainings have certain conditions to be met. You must be in the system and for the NLO, you have to make production the same week. The trainings involves lots of note taking from the spoken word of Mr. Evaji himself. I must had over 10 notepads full of breathtaking notes. All the trainings are pretty intense and that's where most people get brainwashed based off of Mr. Evaji's mindset.

    4. I work in Vemma right now, unfortunately it seems you have no idea what you are talking about. The MLM industry is misunderstood by many people exactly because of this type of opinion based website. I just checked into the companies you mentioned above and I don't see an 11 million dollar lawsuit against Yor... also your opinion on who makes it in MLM and who doesn't don't make sense. You mean to tell me that your "research" is more valid than Forbes? Why would Forbes promote a business model that is designed to set you up to fail? I've been in Vemma for about 6 months now, and I do ok. I don't expect to be rich in 6 months, but being my own boss, making my own schedule while I go to college is a cool experience for me, and all I had to do was invest a couple of hundred dollars into some products. Any person of business intelligence knows you have to invest money to make money... MLM is not for everyone, but because MLM does not discriminate against any person it gives someone a chance to be able to do what they do... my 2 cents worth but man, you spend a lot of time on this site, it's kind of weird with time being previous and limited you would invest so much into it, do you work with a competing company and are just trying to make other companies look bad?

      - Jake
      Vemma Brand Partner

    5. Let us take a look at Vemma's income disclouse, shall we:

      Keep in mind that these income disclosures DO NOT take expenses into account, so the vast majority are making a lot less than what is projected on here or, most likely, losing more money than they make because they can't recruit people into the scheme. But if you add up the percentages, you've got 96.43% of people making LESS than minimum wage ($14,872 in New York). So you're probably better off working at McDonald's.

      As for the YOR Health thing, there was an $11 million settlement when when it was called 2by2 or whatever. Dennis Wong changed the name and just started the company all over, and now 99% of people in YOR Health are failing to make a profit. I would provide the link to the FTC report, but the FTC website is unavailable because of the government shutdown. But go ahead and Google information about if you like.

      As for the whole Forbes thing; this is an appeal to authority rather than evidence. Not only is this a bad way to argue a point, but it fails to take into account other big names that critique MLM.

      Like the other hate comment I received, you tell me I misunderstand MLM and add that I'm not providing facts. You don't tell me why I'm misunderstanding or provide data as to why I'm wrong. I have given multiple arguments against it in the comments and in the post, but like the other person, you didn't address any of my points. Perhaps you, too, are too emotionally engaged with MLM to consider an opposing argument with an open mind. But if you're defending an industry where over 99% of people fail to make a net profit, you're beyond help.

      "Any person of business intelligence knows you have to invest money to make money."

      This is a great response to your argument:

      "MLM promoters will tell you that you need to invest money to make money. This is true, however in a real business, you invest in capital (factors of production to produce goods and services). When you purchase a startup kit or pay a yearly fee, you give away your money to your upline so they can earn a living from your money. If a business opportunity was real, your recruiter would train you at no cost and provide you a free kit to get started promoting their products. The truth is 99% of recruits never earn a penny, so without the upfront payment, the MLM pyramid would collapse. Also, by paying an upfront free, they have their recruit on the hook. If the recruit is not successful, they will sell them seminars and motivational audio material to get started. The more an unsuccessful recruits invest, the more he/she is likely to try harder before abandoning the MLM organisation."

      Please do not talk about things you do not understand.

      Lastly, if you think 5 blog posts (and keep in mind that the post you're reading now is the only work that is actually mine--everything else is shared content) within the span of 2 months is a lot of time spent on this blog and that I might work with a competing company (I already stated multiple times in this blog post and in the comments that I am against the MLM model and provided many reasons for it. Oh, and what company would seriously see ZoiVi as a threat? It's a tiny company and MLMs only compete with each other anyway) then I don't know what to say. But I'm going to assume that you were desperate for a personal insult and masked a "find something better to do" insult with some nonsense about me wanting to lie about the competition. Or maybe you're just delusional. The only 2 people in the comments that argued against me are MLMers. Everyone else is giving me praise for this. It's funny how the only people who ever defend MLM are those who do MLM themselves. But if anything, I should be questioning your motives - what is a Vemma distributor doing on a blog about a little-known company like ZoiVi?

    6. Omg this is completely truth!! I was I. This company for about 5 moths and I felt like a fucking slave! Lost friends even my family didn't spike to me becase all I spome about was Zoivi zoivi zoivi.. and when.I finally decided to.leave I was SUPPOSED to.recive a. $1300 check but since I SUPPOSEDLY didnt something like a renew my membership or something like that I ended up getting a $200 check! I was like are you fucking serious! The "top leaders" are fucking ridiculous and I don't understand how you are promoting health when you are overweight! Get a freaking like and if you end up living inside the "mansion" you get no privacy, you can't even lock "your room" or brin g people like family ir friends inside "your room" because of the "house rules". Oh yeah a d another rep has to be with yiu every where you go. They say you will be a millionaire before 30. They take you to things called "mastery" because you earned it and Evaji brainwashes you talking for like 5hours and you have to take notes like crazy! OMG you have no idea and it was the most horrible experience of my life i can keep on telling you how much of a nightmare this was is like selling your soul to the devil! I'm serious. They harassed you like crazy .

    7. Sounds like you went through a lot, but what matters is that you came to your senses. If you ever need to talk, feel free to shoot me an e-mail. Sucks when you go through something most people don't understand.

    8. I've just learned that the writer of this website may have been involved in a criminal case against a rep. Does anyone know anything about that?

    9. To update readers of this blog....the CEO of NuViza now lives in New Jersey.

    10. now the company's new name.

    11. now the company's new name.

  2. I pretty impressed...

    with the fact that I managed to read this entire load of bullshit (I'm gonna kill the guy who linked me), but I'd definitely say I'm more impressed with how someone can come off as so meticulously well-researched when he got all of his "research" from whatever looked believable on Google that he could use to make relevant claims and based an entire experience with an industry off of his friend's experience as a failure in a specific company - eight months in the industry and he still wasn't able to show you that there's actually a difference between a job and network marketing, eh? I understand that success isn't for everyone, but spending hours and hours reading, trying to show people that creating success is not possible through an industry that's completely geared towards setting people up for success definitely shows where you want to end up in life.

    People kill (I mean, we're all going die anyway, right?), but so does skepticism.
    Message directly to the creator of this blog: man, good luck because you're going to need lots of it. Also, some common sense and probably to get laid. Seems like you need the latter... badly.

    Someone who:
    - has been in MLM for almost two years now
    - is good friends with a lot of MLM'ers
    - is good friends with a lot of non-MLM'ers
    - has made much more than $6 in 8 months (this one's for ^you, love)
    - was linked to this blog and clicked not because she actually has understanding of MLM, but because she loves blogging and found it almost a complete waste of time (except for typing this comment; this is actually kind of fun)
    - cannot stand ignorance, which this blog seems to be in excess of (fun's over)


    1. What were you hoping to accomplish with this comment? It consists of personal insults, trying to put me in a position where I have to defend myself, and telling everyone that you're doing well in MLM.

      Bit of advice: if you're going to try to make me look like a a dumbass with no credibility, give the people reading this blog a reason to believe you instead of me. You read this entire post and didn't address a single argument. But that's what fanatics do... They see something that contradicts their preconceived notions of something and pretend they never looked at it. And it's funny that you mention skepticism killing. This would explain that:

      "Get laid"? That's so low. Is this how your representatives act on the internet? And if you want to know where I'm going to end up in life, well... I'm currently studying to become an engineer while you recruit vulnerable college kids into an industry where 99% of people lose money. And for your information, I have been with my girlfriend for over a year, so think twice before resorting to personal insults, especially against someone who is anonymous. You lost this argument before it even started. All you're showing me is that your feelings were hurt after you read this. If this is how you react when someone says something bad about your organization, then perhaps you should get involved in an industry that isn't as stigmatized as MLM.

      And I know plenty of people in the company. My information is based on far more than one person's experience. I've seen the propaganda, the high-pressure sales tactics, the overpriced garbage, the cult-like behavior, the people faking it till they make it, telling me "enough" when I ask them how much they make. Believe it or not, an outsider looking in knows more than a cult drone, regardless of "experience" because of the fact that those involved in these schemes only see what they want to see. I've known other MLM companies, and ZoiVi is just more of the same.

      Don't come here saying MLM sets people up for success. The numbers tell a different story. In every MLM known to man, an overwhelming majority has lost more than they make (usually somewhere between 97-99.9% but usually 99% or so). You're set up for failure not because you didn't try hard enough, but because the distribution model is flawed. Multiple distribution levels of multiple people performing the same function and infinite recruitment of your own competition in a finite market creates a quasi-legal pyramid scheme where it takes a huge downline to break even. Go ahead and draw it out yourself. Mathematically, MLM is deceptive as the only way to make money is to make it off of people who will, by design, lose money. Whether or not there's a product doesn't matter. The real money is in the recruitment scheme. Not to mention that those involved in product-based pyramid schemes actually lose a lot more money than those that are in pyramid schemes without a product.

      Lastly, don't flatter yourself. Got my information on Google? You know damn well that there's nothing about you guys on Google. It's flooded by "reviews" about generating leads and other cute MLM advice. 3 years, thousands of representatives, and people still don't know who you guys are. So much for word of mouth!

      But thank you for showing everyone how brainwashed MLMers act. It's almost as if you wrote this comment to hurt your case.

    2. Dear Mr. Anonymous,

      You sound like an idiot.

      It takes one to be a leader to be rich not a follower which is what you are.

      I have young friends who have gotten involved with Team No Sleep, which is basically another stupid pyramid and they are so annoying that only the people in their cult follows them on IG (Instagram).
      One of them specially, would talk about going on trips all over the world and the only place he went to so far was Miami -__-. I have not head any more about Team No Sleep from this guy, so who knows.... I also noticed that a lot of the people in these groups were minorities.

      And also, be careful with your choice of words. Your comment sounds threatening.

    3. That's World Ventures, people often use #teamnosleep to avoid people looking up the company. A high school friend of mine was involved for a while. He invited me and some of my close friends to tell us about something amazing, but we never showed up. A couple months later, we found out he was in World Ventures when we saw him post pictures about it on Facebook. I told him it was shady, but he just brushed it off and told me I'm missing out on a great opportunity and that I would see him get rich in the future.

      I later found out from a friend that goes to college with him that he quit, so I asked him why, and he said it was because he paid more attention to school than his business... Well, no. It's because he couldn't trick anyone into making the same bad investment that he made. And yeah, these schemes tend to target minorities because they're usually the ones who are financially unsophisticated: people who can't get a job, want to change their situation, and are desperate. They feed on this, and that's where it's wrong.

      Anyway, don't mind that comment, they all act like this. They're really defensive about it because cults are like religions. It's taboo to say negative things about ZoiVi, a fucked up religion that worships money.

    4. now the company's new name.

  3. To whom it may concern,
    this blog is basically showed what zoivi is, zoivi is a scam, Whos got the MOST money? The one who doesn't even do a thing? Ahmad Evaji, this guy just make you all praise him like a god. And you all are the tools where he gets the money from, and he is just going to get more and more. But you people under him work so hard and earn enough just to surivive. I actually joined Zoivi, and they have amzaingly talking skill that trapped me into that situation. In here I want to remind and warn those who got engaged by strangers going around asking if you are interested in a work, or anything. They are just BS, all they are trying to do is drag you down, and be their tool and you guys might not even realized that the next thing you do is to drag another one, who might be your friend or families and they will work as if they were you slave and this is not going to go anywhere with it. I hope for those who got brainwashed, WAKE UP! You guys are stilling thinking to make more as possible? Who got the benefit most? Ahmad Evaji, the crap that sits there and does nothing, yet he gets the most!!! For those who still want to work so hard as a slave, and gets less than those who does no work. Do you want that? My best suggest is to get out of this junk as soon as possible.

  4. Finally someone blogs the truth in the Zoivi scam, I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought this was a cult. I have a few Facebook friends that happen to be involved in Zoivi and they do exactly as you mention above and they are always talking and taking pictures in Mr Evaji's mansion as if it was theirs,also calling it the company's mansion.Another thing, if their products are so effective in loosing weight why is it that not most of them are fit? For example I came across a representative called Deniz Felix which happens to have tried the products and she still as fat as before also Stephanie Salazar which used them to supposedly get rid of pimples and not much difference once again. If they are going to lie at least make it credible I suggets.

    1. That's because they're using products instead of actually taking the time to exercise and balance their diet. If you want to be fit, you have to eat well and exercise. There are no shortcuts. And I'm sure as hell not going to use a product that my doctor would never recommend to me.

  5. So you telling me that my so called friend everytime she can and tells me that she's going some place with a group of friends and I should join them,is trying to recruit me?

    1. That's very likely. A friend of mine once started talking to a girl in ZoiVi, but only through Facebook. They made plans to go to the movies on a Sunday (which is ZoiVi's "family day") and he thought they were going to be alone, and bam, there she is with a bunch of distributors. She just baited him into a high-pressure situation so that she could recruit him. He ends up telling her that ZoiVi is a bad idea and she cuts off all contact with him.

      So, yeah. I'm gonna guess your "friend" has something to gain from you other than your friendship. Be careful.

    2. Wow thanks for your advice and your very detailed information . I just wish everyone could see the reality before being brainwashed like most of them are.

    3. now the company's new name. Their office is on Lexington Ave.

  6. Words cannot explain how eternally grateful I am to you my friend. I was recently approached by a rep at my school campus and he made the company seem like it was the greatest thing in the world. My interview is scheduled this week and I of course am no longer going. I found it extremely strange when the rep told me that I'd be meeting with the "director" and in a café on 34th Street no less. This post was definitely an eye opener and once again, I am extremely grateful for your honesty and knowledge on the situation. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for them on my campus and informing students of their scam to save them the disappointment and financial loss. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome! Always nice to read comments and e-mails like this.

      They went back to conducting interviews at Starbucks because they don't have an office anymore. Not sure why; they only had that office for 5 or 6 months. Even the office was sketchy, though, since there was no furniture.

      But yes, do try to spread the word; the best scams are the ones nobody knows about.

    2. They're not doing the meetings in Starbucks or restaurants so much anymore to make it seem legit they now rented a space in 575 Lexington Ave. 4th floor New York, NY 10022 United States. for their office and with their new name NuViza

  7. Thank you i was about to Join today . but now i see that its a waste of money . That's fucked up what they do

    1. Yeah, they prey on people who don't know any better but you took the time to inform yourself. Glad I could help!

    2. now the company's new name.

  8. Someone had tried to recruit me a while back this year. The conversation was very predictable and a waste of time. Here's a funny excerpt from it:

    "[name] mentioned great things about you... well [name] didn't say a lot about you, so what do you do?"

    How do you tell someone that you heard great things about them, yet not mention specifically what's so great about that person? Appalling.

    After I stated I wasn't interested in what they had to offer, I politely declined but you can tell the caller was ticked off.

    1. They try to make it sound like they specifically chose you for some prestigious job that you have the chance of getting because your friend pulled some strings for you. Then you look at The Self Invite (which I put at the end of the post) and realize that they're pitching the same lie to everyone. They'll accept any jackass that walks through the door since it's pay to play; you have something to lose, they don't. Very deceptive, but It's not something I got into in this blog post. Still, that's a huge part of why this whole ZoiVi thing is so messed up.

  9. Thank you so much for this!!! I will write a blog myself so there is more awareness about these scams. I was also recruited on campus by a young guy who calls himself Eli, who sounded unnatural to me, as if every phrase that came out of his mouth was calculated and memorized.

    I knew there was something fishy from the beginning because nobody looks for you to give you a job.

    I still gave him my number and he called me twice after that and left voicemails. I never called him back and just this week I received another call and I did not realize it was him and picked up. Then he asked me if I remember him and excused himself for not calling me sooner (I was laughing inside cause he sounded desperate in the voicemails and now he was trying to play it cool) I am scheduled for an interview tomorrow in Manhattan around the Empire States building (that's how he said it). Then I texted him with questions about the company and he avoided any texting conversation by saying " I can call you and tell you again if you couldn't hear me" (I did hear him and he would just avoid my questions about what kind of company? what kind of position?) I called him again today and asked him once again. He told me that he was surprised that I had not heard of the company and that it focused on international business and marketing (Nothing concrete, just general answers).

    He also constantly reminded me about dressing up, "remember the first impression is the last impression" or something like that, very corny. What made it even weirder for me was that it asked me to bring two forms of I.D. Ex. Social security, credit card, State ID. ???????

    Anyways! Let's bring them down! They ought to think college students are smarter than that.

    1. They dodge you a lot before the interview. Don't really tell you anything about the company until you actually show up, and this is actually something you'll commonly find in the MLM industry. But once you arrive to the interview, you fall into their trap and the first brainwashing session begins. That's where they'll make it sound like the most amazing thing in the world since you'll have to choose whether or not to join at that moment. They'll tell you that you can get rich from it and be your own boss and other lame MLM propaganda. But before that, they'll be very pushy in getting you to go but don't really give a flying fuck about your questions because this isn't about you - it's about them making their wallets bigger.

      Anyway, I'm glad that I was able to remove all doubt that this is a scam. Do blog something if you can, people need to be more informed about ZoiVi and the MLM industry in general. Too many vulnerable college kids falling for crap like this. Just last week, some guy tried to get me into Vemma... It's really sad.

  10. There are several ways to make money in ZoiVi. I am currently a ruby director looking for a better company to join. This shit company isn't worth it. When you sign up you can sign up as basic, entrepreneur, or platinum. As a basic you pay 349 and can make money buy selling the product, scamming a friend into entering (get 10% of what they signed up as) and by matching points (each week on both sides of your tree you get 10% of the total gains on both sides. As a entrepreneur you pay 790 and get all the benefits of a basic with the exception that you can also get 5% of what the people your people brought in payed to get in. As platinum you get all the benefits of a entrepreneur at the price of 1140. However as a platinum you can also make money by reaching a rank. 100 a month for gold rank. To achieve gold rank you have to scam 6 people in a week to sign up as platinum. You can earn more the higher rank you achieve. Then you earn 25% of each person you brought in. Like if I bring in x and x is gold rank I win 25$ a week. Then you can earn by owning a car. Once your gold or higher the company pays a certain low amount for maintenance. You can also earn by being a diamond rank (scam 200- people in a week) 15%of what your weakest leg makes. I'm going to make a blog or presentation for you soon I hope you can see it. The final way to make money is to scam 10000 people in a week you win a suitcase with 1million dollars. Also don't even try to get the scholarship they provide. You'll just work more for nothing. It's always the same people going to the trips making money and scamming your family. Please avoid ZoiVi at all cost. I scammed allot of my friends and made nothing much. A real job pays way more

    1. Pretty interesting stuff, glad hear from someone who is currently involved and knows what's going on. I read the first sentence and thought you were going to defend ZoiVi, lol. And I'm interested in seeing your blog/presentation or whatever you decide to do. Send me an e-mail soon!

    2. A Ruby Director in ZoiVi would never say what this guy just said. "scam 10,000 people in a week you win a suitcase with million dollars." LOL Obvious liar. This whole blog has no factual evidence of any such "scam". Just a whole bunch of people pooling their anger online because they were not able to succeed in the company. Success doesn't come easy my friends.

    3. They just updated their Customer Demo script and I put it up already. CLEARLY there is a rat in the company. And success at ZoiVi hardly ever comes at all. How about you guys publish your abysmal income statement? That would make some great factual evidence!

      Keep being a shill in denial, it won't get you anywhere.

  11. hey man this is great. for you to make the people in zoivi stoop so low with there comments means that the truth hurts. I'm impressed how you backed up everything you said. for those reading my comments abd need reassurance: let me tell you guys this. I did zoivi for a YEAR and this guy right here hit the nail on the head. great job with this cite man.

    1. Thanks buddy, it means a lot! E-mail me sometime if you want to tell me more about your experience, I can share it on the blog if you like. A year is a really long time.

  12. I need help I got involve n now they have all my info. My Debit card info my social security number my home adress n they even have my friends and family phone numbers. What do I do??

    1. Sorry to hear that. You can cancel your debit card and get a new one if you're that worried about it. It's much harder to retrieve lost debit card money than it is to retrieve lost credit card money. As for your social security number, well... That's not as easy. I don't think they'll do anything with it, so just hope I'm right but if anything fishy starts happening, report it.

      Make sure you contact everyone that you gave info about to ZoiVi and tell them not to pay attention to anyone who calls telling them about ZoiVi/Zvi/ZV International, or anyone offering them an interview no matter what and that you didn't realize that it was a scam until after your interview or whatever you went to.

    2. They probably won't use your social for much but as I know (im the ruby director who posted earlier) they'll keep your friend connect info and try to scam them. If they fall they will use them. This is called database marketing which is using people's phone number lists. Let's say you show up to the interview and write the phone numbers of your friends and family as they ask. If you never return they keep the numbers give them to a newbe and if he scams your friends he gets a small percentage of the profits. Be wary. I have also heard from mr evaji their lowering the basic start up cost to 99$. Although it may seem nice its actually a trap. To turn to entrepreneur from basic you must pay the difference within a month. Back then when it was 345 ti advance youd need 345 however now with it cut you'd think your getting a great deal however if you remember my earlier post the most money is made when your platinum and with this you will have to pay 600 to rank up. Getting 600 Scamming at a basic level is nearly impossible making them get your money snd friends money faster. Beautiful isn't it. A few numbers can make something look good. I recommend addressing your friends with this blog and try to protect your friends from the scam

  13. feel free to view my blog im currently in zoivi and if you want more info feel free to mail me at the email I posted there. Please tell your friends about ZoiVi before their scammed into it. One more thing. If you want to contact me email is the best way followed by text which I'll only give you if you email first. Let's stop ZoiVi before it hurts the ones we love

    1. That was certainly an interesting read... I know ZoiVi is shady, but damn. If all this stuff is true, then this whole scheme is worse than I thought.

  14. Hello to anyone reading this (he might delete this) but don't let the thinking of the negative, broke and skeptical people discourage you. MLM is not a scam.

    Check out this article on the top 100 MLM earners in the world. And yes they're at the top of THEIR pyramid that they worked on for years.

    Now they are making the money they worked hard for.

    MLM is the only business model that allows you to get started for as little as a few hundred bucks and over time, 5-10 years, create wealth.


    1. "... don't let the thinking of the negative, broke, and skeptical people discourage you. MLM is not a scam."

      As a MLM critic, you can conclude that I'm skeptical but to call me negative and broke is painting a picture of someone you don't know to create an "us vs. them" mentality. Don't talk down to people if you want to get a point across, especially if you don't know the person.

      And I know that some people in MLM are making money. As small as the success rate is, SOMEONE has to be making money, otherwise nobody would create these economic dinosaurs. If you consider profiting from the failures of people you recruited to be hard work and success, then okay. Because we both know these people aren't making anything from sales that go to actual customers. Less than 50% of Amway sales are external according to the CEO, for example, yet it's a multi-billion dollar company where 99.99% of people would be making more money with welfare and only a fraction of the .01% that profits is actually making a living wage (0.0026%, if I recall correctly). So if you think that companies like Amway and Nu Skin (which keep coming up in the top 100 list) are good opportunities, you're out of your mind.

      I'm sorry for not being enthusiastic when the numbers tell a different story, but go ahead and let your selection bias keep you motivated.

      "MLM is the only business model that allows you to get started for as little as a few hundred bucks and over time, 5-10 years, create wealth."

      This isn't true for the >99% that try it, but there is the 1% that does. Hmmm... I wonder where that money comes from? People shouldn't have to lose money because they paid their upline and couldn't get others to do the same for them. The friend of mine that I mentioned in this post was almost always the most productive one in the "team" but never recruited a single person and ended up with next to nothing. To get rich, you sell the business opportunity to other hopeful people, not the product, and quite possibly lose all your friends and family in the process.

      MLM is a scam.

  15. If anyone wants to witness the Zoivi bullshitting first hand go to this link:

    This Noah kid piles on crap on top of crap and he can't even give you a proper job description. lmao Well this is the result of all the brainwashing, I guess

    1. Can you please put the correct link because the above one does not take me nowhere

    2. It should work

    3. it worked thanks ! You were right, this Noah kid is something else. Guess all their detox are getting to his brain

  16. I want to thank you very much for posting all of this information on the dangers of ZoiVi. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who is doing fine financially and I believe in the investment of education. I have a client who has been sucked into ZoiVi and speaks words that are not her own. It is truly frightening. It is as if she is programmed and brainwashed. She says the exact same things, word for word, as aforementioned in your posts. She is turning away from her friends and family who love her. She is not making any money. On another note, in order for me to work in my passion, actually assisting people to improve their independence and quality of life through THEIR OWN thoughts, decisions and behaviors, I had to go through a Master's university program and through the NYS Department of Education Licensing Board. I have zero regrets on these decisions. This path allows me to do what I love, to add to society, to make a salary, to investment in my future/kids future, to buy that Marc Jacobs bag if I want it, to travel...etc. Not educating yourself is dangerous and causes ignorance. This ZoiVi group is of one mindset. Everyone thinks the same, talks the same, etc. Vulnerable people who are at a crossroads in life and easily influenced are being taken advantage of and feeding the top man. Isolating oneself from family and friends to join this "new family" reeks of cult behavior. PEOPLE THINK FOR YOURSELF. EMPOWER YOURSELF. BE CAUTIOUS. p.s. It is also fascinating that the leader of this company had has so many past addresses. This is a HUGE RED FLAG. Thank you and be well.

    1. Thanks a lot for this comment. Pretty reassuring to see that a Licensed Mental Health Counselor thinks I hit the nail on the head. Good luck deprogramming your client, the world needs people like you to help these poor victims!

    2. Thanks, Whistleblower. Your blog is so necessary. These truths and people's personal stories need to come out and not be censored. By the way, the only reason I brought up my finances and education is because according to ZoiVi college is a scam and that you are a fool to go into a career where you will make "no money". This is just false. I think their focus on materialism and money is very sad. Just my opinion. Making a ton of money is not all there is to life. However, if money is what you are after, many people do very well (even become rich) working their passion.

    3. Thank you for your insight! I wrote the outsiders story and the responses in the comments and I must say that your contribution is gladly appreciated and gives more validity to our argument. So again another thank you!

    4. Yeah, I know. I'm glad this has touched and persuaded many people.

      And without college we wouldn't have teachers, doctors, engineers, etc. but apparently it's better to make a living selling snake oil. The sad part is that the victims buy into the propaganda so much that many end focusing more on their "business" than school. Many others drop out altogether. And according to the Ruby Director who commented earlier, there's only a tiny handful of people making more than $20k a year, I think about 6 people. The rest make next to nothing but buy into the hype and the people faking their success so they commit themselves to it. They see other people working the system so they feel like anybody can become successful doing this.

      Unfortunately, every other MLM I have ever seen claims to be a better opportunity than college. Critical thinking and MLM don't go hand-in-hand, so it makes sense for them to want to limit such a big circle of influence. The first thing my friend started talking to me about after joining this company was about how you can't do anything with a degree and life is about the connections you make. Needless to say, she made nothing after nearly 5 months of ranking up, customer demos and all of that other nonsense. And yes, she worked very hard. She spent every day of the week doing ZoiVi-related things.The end result was wasted time and money, her first C, and dropping a math course.

      ZoiVi is bad. It's small but the cult-like atmosphere is up there with the likes of Amway and Vemma. I remember going on one of their family days or whatever. I felt out of place the entire time, but everything got really weird when they formed a circle around the CEO and started responding to him in chants. And they say 9 to 5ers suck up to their bosses... Talk about ironic. They worship that man, the very portrayal of their materialism. Try to get your client to take you to one of her motivational seminars or let you watch it online; you will experience a mixture of pity and discomfort.

      Getting people out of any MLM is incredibly difficult. It gets to a point where they don't listen to reason anymore. It took an ultimatum for me to do it. I know you're not allowed to reveal who your clients are and things like that, but do let us know how it goes.

    5. Thanks all. It is true that I have to stay very confidential due to the nature of the counseling work. Otherwise, I would gladly give my name. The sad thing is that I could be describing any number of people in this cult. It is a similar story over and over. I had a really bad feeling in my gut about ZoiVi and the more I hear about the "inside" and about people affected by ZoiVi, the more troubled I am. I can only imagine what it was like for you to see chanting around the CEO. Creepy.

      I hope that more and more people are exposed to this blog and start to think critically about ZoiVi. All of your research and fact-checking is a service to all, Whistle Blower. I also appreciate those bold and brave enough to give their personal accounts.

      I will check back.


    6. Yes, everyone experiences the same thing. Everyone is molded into the same person. Sadly, there's not much any of us can do but raise awareness.

      And yes, do check back, looking forward to hear from you. I'd gladly give my name too if you did, but I know it's unprofessional for counselors to do so. My anonymity doesn't matter at this point; they likely have an idea as to who wrote this now.

    7. Quick update. The client I am working with (mentioned above) is now applying for jobs outside of Zoivi and is heading into a legit training certification program for a trade. She was losing money left and right with Zoivi. She was buying their products and therefore making the main man money. However, she was not able to sell said product and just got deeper and deeper in a financial hole. I am so happy that her feelers went outside of Zoivi ! She has pulled away from the cult and now will have greater options and a chance at a real quality of life. Plus, she is advancing her education. It is true that a lack of education increases ignorance. Zoivi wants to keep people ignorant and isolated. Best and Happy Holidays!!!!! p.s. Thanks for all of your hard work that goes into this blog.

    8. Really happy for you and your client! Glad to know everything went well. Hopefully she learns from her experience. Thank you so much for helping these victims and Happy Holidays!!! You deserve it.

  17. ******I meant to say that, "It is fascinating that the leader of this company HAS HAD so many past addresses". Sorry about this. I also forgot to mention for people to think critically and not blindly (often learned in school), to question the leaders and to stay true to yourself. Best.

  18. My friend told me that she was asked to join and attended their "training". Everybody chanted "Nice", "Nice" to every comment. I believe this is pathetic. What is even worse is that the person that invited her, added her Facebook friends on his Facebook. I take pity.

    1. No surprise there. They don't have any boundaries - every single person they can find is just another opportunity for them to make money. I suggest you send a link to this blog to your friend and anyone else who has been exposed to this cult.

    2. I already did. Thanks.

  19. That public file is a Lexis Nexus report which is a very credible source. I use this resource at work all the time to check for bankruptcies, tax liens, or criminal filings so I can give some insight into this report. If you look at the criminal filings, this scumbag has a whole slew of past offenses with driving such as operating a vehicle without a license, registration, or insurance. Also it looks like the State of California levied a tax lien on this guy in 2011 meaning he isn't paying taxes. What kind of irresponsible piece of shit would go around feeding materialistic bullshit into the minds of impressionable young adults when he doesn't even look like he has a handle on his own life.

    Also it doesn't look like he owns that "mansion" because this report would clearly state all titles for real estate. He's probably renting the thing and its bullshit when people say they are getting invited to live there because I know for a fact he charges rent. Also I am not sure about New York, but in the state I live in property titles is public information. If someone wants to do further research and call the New York Real Estate department they can probably get some information on the title of the property.

    This guys entire life is a facade. He's created an entire image of success in order to trick people for his own gain. Good on you for posting this blog. Keep it up.

    - JV

  20. Just a quick FYI. It was nearly impossible for me to find this blog. I ended up using "Advanced Google Search". When I went on standard search engines and typed in "ZoiVi scam" or "ZoiVi cult", I was not getting what I was looking for. In addition, highlighted messages appeared about "some content being removed". It appears there are people out there who are trying to make it difficult to find the bad/negative stories and experiences about ZoiVi.

    1. Really? It seems to be doing well on Google - that's good enough for me. But they do, without a doubt, know about this blog. It used to come up on the front page of Google when you simply typed in "zoivi" or "zv international." Now it's nowhere to be found with those search keywords.

      The fact that they're so worried about a blogger on the internet says a lot about them, though. The negative comments I've received speak for themselves.

    2. Oh, good. I will search via standard Google and I saved this blog to my "favorites". I think I was using Bing, Blogger and Yahoo for search engines. I will double check. I do remember that this blog did come up on the front page of searches before, as you stated. I know someone who is caught up in all this Zoivi crap. She is totally brainwashed now and she is not making any money, just spending her own buying product. She gave up a FULL ride to university for Zoivi because she was at an uncertain crossroads and her boyfriend is involved with Zoivi. She was influenced, vulnerable and taken advantage of. Scary! It does not matter what I say to her. She is not open to any other choices or lifestyles other than Zoivi right now. I hope she comes around. I am happy to see your blog. The more exposure to their ways, the better. Thanks.

    3. Yup, standard Google is working well with this blog. Yahoo and Bing, not so much. I'll stick with Google as a search engine.

    4. Really sorry to hear that. If she dropped out of university for it and her boyfriend is in it, then she is past the point of no return. No point in trying to talk her out of it now. But as with everyone else that's being taken advantage of, I hope she makes it out of there without losing too much.

  21. You should really do your research before writing a blog like this! I'm not sure what happened to you, maybe you were burned by a network marketing company before and that is terrible, but thats no reason to give them all a bad rep. I'm not familiar with Zoivi but I am familiar with network marketing and I love to research other companies out there. I DO know that Donald Trump, Dave Ramsey, and Robert Kiyosaki Highly recommend network marketing before any 9-5 job and there is much proof of that especially in todays economy. I am truly sorry for whatever happened to you but you should really research all the companies and find the right fit for you…. If you have the right motivation and determination network marketing can turn any dream into reality!! I've watched it before my own eyes time and time again =)

    1. while that is true, Zoivi is not the case, and that is what this blog is about. I'm not the blogger btw, I'm his friend.

      The only legit network marketing I know so far is Avon, but some even say that Avon is a scam. This is where it gets confusing, when people say that you shouldn't say a network marketing is a scam because you have to put work into it, it is true for Avon, but not for pyramid schemes, no matter how much work you put in, you are just not getting the money and the rich you were promised to have.

    2. anonymous, you said "I'm not sure what happened to you, maybe you were burned by a network marketing company before and that is terrible, but thats no reason to give them all a bad rep."

      You clearly did not read what I wrote. At least be open-minded.

      Then you go on to say "X, Y, and Z said it works, so it must be true!"

      Then you find out about the unsuccessful Trump Network scheme and that Kiyosaki is... well, a fraud that made his money from books and seminars teaching people how to be just like him while never really impacting anyone. Dave Ramsey is very similar to him. Sound familiar?

      Also, 99% of people in Avon lose money so I wouldn't exactly call it "legitimate," but I like that they actually seem to care about promoting their products. Still, not something I would support. The problem here is the business model, not how much they care about the products. By design, the flow of money will always be the same, regardless of effort or anything else.

    3. But hey, at least Avon has customers. It is an ethnical company, unlike Zoivi, whose customer's are also the company representatives, so in a way, no customers. Just a bunch of people who worship Evaji and his placebo products, and getting more people to pay and worship them.
      Now, based on everything I know about network marketing so far, I conclude that it is not a business model to get rich, but a model to build a team and make friends, hence the name "network marketing", you build a business, tell people you know about your new company, and then let them spread the word through their own personal social networks, but you shouldn't tell them to pay you to join(you invest your own money), nor tell them stuff like "Surround yourself with positive people and fuck those people who are being negative." "Everyone is asleep, only you who joined this company is wide awake." If these kind of statements are involved and they tell you to make the person you recruited to pay to join, it is a scam for sure. Of course, eventually your business need to move away from this model once it got enough reputation and you need to start advertising on mass media. I see network marketing a great way to jumpstart a business, but not a model to cling onto.

      On another note, "network marketing" should be the real term for something like this, "multi level marketing" shouldn't even be a real term

  22. I wasted 4 hours if my life on that so called "job interview." I really wish that I read this sooner. They really hyped shit up when I was talking on the phone with them and when I showed up, it was a bunch of people dressed in suits in a cafe with normal customers eating around them. For a "business" who supposedly is a rich, they can't even afford a proper office to make these meetings at least look real. That was the first red flag. I'm trying to make money to pay for college so what makes them think that I'm going to give them my money to sell their shitty products! I could have used that 4 hours to look for a REAL honest paying job instead of scamming my family and friends off in the future. They gave me a contract to sign with them and I looked at the contact and then left their "office." What kind of idiot do they think I am? I feel bad for the people who are still in it now. Get a reality check and leave now before they convince you to give them your soul!

    1. That sucks, but hey. Lesson learned, right? Skepticism is healthy.

    2. Since it was fishy/ red flag to not have an office they just rented one to make it seem legit in Lexington Ave my friend so beware

  23. Thanks for the tip. Read everything and I'm so glad I didn't get it or went to the appointment!!

  24. its sad that we need someone to actually spell it out for people. Everything about zoivi's activities on social networking sites like Fb and instagram have them constantly posting pictures of a lavish lifestyle and partying with coworkers turned best friends. It is a huge red flag. They aint selling shit. I would only say the only people who get out of this successful if they were a scam artist to begin with.

  25. I just notice that they stopped praising their Genki and their other crap products and started with their 10GO coffee,wasn't the Genki a big success? I guess they have to keep reinventing and introducing new crap to keep scamming people.Another thing I notice is that they seem to target the Hispanics now

    1. good observation. I guess they changed their routine in order to successfully scam more people. still, there is a possibility of them to continue to scam asian people, since the asian members didn't quit yet, and Xiao Chen still being Evaji's fuck buddy.

      but do observe NYC in the next two months, something big is gonna happen and it is gonna hit Zoivi hard, they would have a very hard time to recover from it, most likely never.

    2. I'll be looking forward for that

    3. isn't their 10GO and GIA coffee the same crap?

    4. yes, they are the same crap.

      but, according to them, it is fantastic coffee that will boost your sex drive, makes you healthy, and allows you to see rainbows and unicorns!!! (kidding on the last part)

    5. It appears that nothing big happened and if it did they recovered because they're still going strong. They just created a new website.

  26. I found out about this "ZoiVi" thing through someone on my Facebook (some total loser I used to work with at a restaurant while in college). That loser is involved with numerous shady scams in the NY area so I knew this "ZoiVi" thing had to be another one.

    Sure enough I see these posts and my suspicions are confirmed. The photos on Facebook of all the "vacations" are just hilarious. And I got a got a good laugh out of the "we have to take notes on everything Evaji says," "Evaji retired his parents" and "we have no privacy in the ZoiVi mansion." Seriously though I shouldn't laugh at those who got tricked.

  27. Good looks on the info

  28. what should you do? nothing!!

    because you can't do anything, avoid this kind of company at all costs in the future.

  29. Just tell them to go shove their coffee where the sun don't shine and leave! simple as that

  30. this blog had been here when zoivi was still selling their supplements. because of this blog, they stopped and started selling their coffee crap.

    if you can, spread the word around, and get this blog to the top of all the search engines, and let it stay there.

  31. Last year a pretty Latina with a too tight button down shirt approached me on campus to see if I had time to talk. I kept walking. She asked me where I was going. To class, duh! Great, what major? Marketing.
    Now she really wouldn't stop, she asked me about work and what I'm doing blah blah & I told her "look I've done what you're doing but actually got paid commission for every sale. so i know what you're doing. Prospecting, but I'm not buying anything."
    Big smile!!! "Ok, take my card tho & if you want to talk , call me"

    Her name was Stephanie Salazar & her instagram was on the card. It's just filled with cheap slogans about being rich and dreams etc etc.
    Lots of pics of her in tight clothing, in Hawaii with her butt facing the camera etc.

    Everyone is a minority & it's the same 5 people in the pix.
    What I want to know about is the big checks they show with their names & a large number for all the money they made.

    Love this blog & hope you write up some more stuff.

    Just stay in school and/or get a job that pays you for actual work done. If you have to pay $$$ to sell something then you're not working, you're a sucker.

  32. ^^^^same person as this recent comment.
    Just wanted to add that doing some research last year, I learned that this guy , the leader or whatever, has rich parents.
    Part of why he leads an extravagant life. It doesn't hurt that a lot of clueless people give him money for unproven products that don't work.

    Love this blog. Add more and def talk about that fraud Stephanie Salazar.

    I tried to talk to her via IG to ask her how she could scam fellow Latins to try to make some money, but she just deleted my comments.


    1. glad that you liked it :)

      you made a wrong move trying to be negative with them. their main "philosophy" is to stay away from negative people, or, in their mind, anyone who talks bullshit about ZoiVi.

      just shoot me an email in the address provided and I'll tell you more.

    2. I was a representative for ZOIVI 2 years ago.....This company is full of BS. Joining zoivi is like throwing your money in the ocean. Most importantly, it can destroy your friendship with others. I spent about $1200 to join as a platinum member and end up not getting any return. (I am not good at sales perhaps.) If you're good at sales, just go for any retail stores and you're probably get better commissions than ZOIVI. Please AVOID THEIR INTERVIEWS AT ALL COST......UNLESS YOU WANT TO TROLL THEM AND GIVE THEM A HARD TIME. LOL. Please, just go get your education while attend to networking events with real professionals that can offer you a full time LEGIT JOB. I am furious the fact that this company is still running...... It's sad that I know deep inside, some of the members want to admit that ZOIVI is a scam but they are surely in denial. They want to prove themselves that they are "owning" their business but in reality, they don't. I have to admit the fact that Evaji is a businessman. He's very smart for creating such a nice model for him to generate "residual income" because all of his down-lines are feeding him with $$$$. His lectures/speeches are there to brainwash his down-lines. For example, when he deliver speeches, his down-line listened to him while responding, such as "that's true", "right here" and etc. Evaji is using the conformity method to condition his members. For example, suppose you are attending his workshop. If people around you are responding Evaji's speeches with multiples of "right here", "that's true", and etc, chances are you are going to follow everyone else. I have to say, his business strategies are nice for ruining people's lives. BOTTOM-LINE, AVOID ZOIVI.

    3. email me at the address provided and we'll talk

    4. I just recently signed up for zoivi without doing any research. After the whole process after I signed up, I knew something was wrong about this company so I did my research. They took my money and now I cant do anything about it. I need help. After doing countless research about this company I fucking hate it so much it sickens me.

    5. Stephanie Salazar was my high school classmate. I have her on Facebook. Interesting how she turned out this way. Everyone knew she was pretentious and whatnot throughout the years...what a big scam. She tried messaging me 2 years ago asking me if I were interested in part time work. I ignored her.

    6. I was friends with Deniz Felix and couldn't believe she was capable of such thing boy was I wrong

  33. I feel your pain. I was a former rep myself three years ago and it's still painful just thinking about it. You should read my post under Personal Experiences called "My Hellish Experience With ZoiVi". I've been harassed, judged harshly, and taken advantage of by my so called leaders.

  34. Have you notice that now they're advertising their Ego energy drink

    1. No I haven't, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Seems like what they are aiming for is advertise healthy beverages instead of supplements now.

      Also, their website( is dead, I guess they are trying to start anew and trying to scam people some other way.

      I will update this page of the blog after I gathered enough information about the new zoivi, stay tuned everyone.

  35. I FINALLY left that fucking place. The whole 2 months I was employed (and I use that term VERY loosely) I didn't do jack shit. I immediately regretted buying their products the moment I signed that stupid form. I mean I gave a few samples to some friends but they all thought the coffee tasted like shit. The worst part is, they don't even teach you how to properly sell the stuff. Instead all they talk about is how to recruit more people into your "business". This was ALL they talk about in those video calls and probably in the basic training they have in new york (I never went there because its a fucking waste) Everyone in that company just freaked me out especially their CEO Evaji. I swear he's a borderline cult leader.

    1. you could had left sooner but congratulations with your determined leave anyways.

    2. I really did wanted to leave sooner, but I wanted to at least get some of the money back. I didn't like the idea of just leaving 400 dollars poorer. It just sucked. But after 2 months of trying, and not making a single sale, I just had it and just left. The things I had to do in order to make any money was just not for me. I was uncomfortable with it. This is by the far the biggest mistake investmentwise I've ever made, and I will DEFINITELY not make again. There really should be more blogs like this out there, because people NEED to know about this.

    3. so now you learned your mistake. what you can do right now is informing people around you to never take part of a pyramid scheme, not just ZoiVi, but every other company too. in these companies, you are nothing but a slave working for the "CEO/Founder" of the company, A drone that believes they are in some extraordinary company and earning big bucks with sales that were never paid off. In fact, only the pyramid scheme starter are earning all the money.

      99.9% of people involved in a pyramid scheme loses money, remember that.

  36. Well there goes my 400 dollars...just signed up today too...

    1. Those people will constantly text you, and a shit ton of random people will ask to be facebook friends with you. Expect A LOT of 10go GIA bullshit on your facebook feed.

    2. I would just advise you to inform you phone contacts of possible calls from this company.

    3. you can get a separate number just for text from ZoiVi, and register for a separate facebook too.

  37. Does anyone know if still a valid email address for Whistleblower? I sent him / her an email a while back but no reply...

    1. Yes!!! It is still a vaild email!!

      I apologize for any late replies, I had been busy with life and didn't have the chance to check this email address often. I will go and reply to you right now, go check your mailbox.

  38. I got dragged into this at the end of May 2013 right when I just graduated from college with a bachelors in engineering. At first I was just applying everywhere for a job and during my friend's birthday dinner, this guy approached me if I'm looking for a job and said I seem talented. At first it was weird for me because I barely talked to him the whole night and he barely knew me at all. But since he said "his company" is hiring I was pretty down to see what its about. Nick is his name and he didn't tell me the company's name and told me to bring a credit card, check, or cash. Seems odd to me why would an interview require that.
    The day when I was suppose to meet up with him and go to the "interview", I tried to make up a bullshit excuse not to go since I landed a job with a real company that relates to my degree. Nick was persistent on having me still come even though I told him I was going to pick up my dad from the airport. In the end, I went there later during the day.
    So I arrived at their "office" which is the second floor above a music store around 34th street and see a lot of people dressed in full suits. I happened to see a kid from my high school that was part of them and I still want my pen back that he never gave back. Upon my arrival, some guy who I forgot tried to be friendly with me and have me settled in for my meeting with a girl name Mary. At that point, I though I was going for an interview not to hear a presentation. So I went along with the presentation and did their weird handshake called the "corporate handshake" which does not exist in the real corporate world. The meeting with Mary took forever and all she talked about was the products they sold and blah blah blah about the whole scheme and each membership fees. I knew from there I had to bullshit so I made an excuse I just recently graduate college and I have no money and I'm paying off loans. They seem startled at first but they proceed for my training which is call people from your phone and follow the script they've written down for you. From that exercise, I bullshitted everything and pretended I called them and all of them went to voicemail or didn't pick up. I happened to see Mr. Evanji that day and everyone rised up and gathered by him like he is a god or something. My day was called off since Mr. Evanji wanted to have a meeting with his leaders and thank god its over.
    Nick and the guy who went over the phone exercise with me tried to contact me to come back but I ignored their calls. Nick texted me about the special gathering at a hotel and told him I was elsewhere for a family gathering and the nerve he replied was only just about Evanji like he is sucking his dick or something. I can tell your own family won't matter anymore once you join their cult. I almost wanted to punch this guy at the interview or meeting since he struck a nerve in me. There are alot of pretty and cute girls in the cult and I wish I can rebrainwash them back to normal so I can screw them pretty good.

    1. hmm, it seems like you have the same mindset as me, weird.

      I'm guessing Nick is Nick Gin Yu Lee? If so, then yes, I agree, his face make me want to Shouryoken him.

      I also guess that Mary is Mary Fung? If so, then I had met her boyfriend before, she is pretty cute with her nerdy glasses, too bad that she have to go through this.

      Currently, their old office is a Buddhist bookstore named Tianti.They mostly scams at Starbucks at Time Square and sometime cafes now.

      If you want to rebrainwash the pretty and cute girls there, I can help you with that, send me an email. Just remember to do this with the intention to help them, not to just screw with them, if you do it with a kind heart, they will remember you forever as the "hero".

    2. I was pissed off after everything happened and made me hate them with a passion.

      The Nick I believe goes by Nicholas Yang and I think he's a nobody in ZVI. There was a kid who was an underclassman back in my high school name Chris Astudio?

      And yes its Mary Fung I just forgot her last name. the way how the ZVI drones described her as highly skilled but honestly she's just a regular girl.

      There was another cute girl that I forgot her name but she's a higher up I think. She is pretty petite and has like a brunette shade of hair. She told me her story that she used to be allergic to everything even apples and had bad breakouts before using the health products. Honestly, that bitch can talk forever and I was falling asleep standing up.

      There was a couple of ZVI drones that I really want to punch in their face after aggravating me with insulting comments of my recent graduation. Also, Evanji is not a god but just a smart person who knows how to take advantage of people.

      For now, I plan to ignore them until they come in contact with me again. My vision for them is to have the entire ZVI burn down to the ground.

  39. What is your opinion on market America/

    1. I had been into one of their meetings. Believe me, it is just ZoiVi with another name. The sad thing is, the people that are involved are people I know from my university. One of them is a chinese girl (girl A) who is also involved with my university's international student organization, which is also a potential lead for any recruitments. A girl I knew (girl B) were also in it, I'm guess she got recruited by girl A, along with girl B's boyfriend.

      It saddens me to see them in this kind of company, girl B was also a chinese girl I knew since 2012, back then she is just an innocent newcomer to the United States studying abroad, she didn't meet her boyfriend at that time. Now when I look at her, most of the time is either spend time with her boyfriend, doing stuff, or alone, doing stuff. Don't get me wrong, I like girl B, but not to the point of wanting to be in a relationship with her. I just don't want anyone I know to be involved in such malicious business models!!!

    2. I've recently purchased a ticket to their International Conference down in Greensboro, North Carolina and I dropped almost $400 just for the ticket, hotel, and bus. I don't know what to expect next. The only thing I'm going was because of this girl that I liked got me into this. I felt like she lured me into a trap knowing I liked her and such.

    3. she did lure you into a trap, but not because you liked her, because she needs money.

      people who work in such companies would get anyone they can think of to join, no matter if it is their boyfriend, family members, you are their income.

      email me and we'll talk into more details.

    4. I had already replied to your email. Wish you best of luck with the girl.

  40. Does anyone who when their "International Conference" is and where exactly? Currently I live in the Greensboro area and I don't want to be walking into them that day.

    1. It will be at the Greenboro Coliseum from August 6-10 (6th is the receptions)

  41. Update!!! their website now is trying to change it up a bit Ahmad? well we're still on to you

    1. Thank you!!

      If any other address comes up, post it here!!

    2. I just viewed their website. It's quite impressive and I notice Ahmad is posing with a new employee. Does anyone happen to know her?

    3. let me guess, Ana Wood?

      I got all the names of major leaders in ZoiVi memorized.

    4. Well if you have all of their names memorized that must be her. Wow! You are good! Major leader. So does this mean she's in management or something? Or is this a level they can reach if they sell enough products? I haven't seen her picture listed anywhere as a manager.

    5. Is it possible, just for the sake of argument, that Ahmad helped bring down YOR and USANNA and then gave some of his people a job by starting his own company. After all he was in a high position there at YOR and would have had access to enough information to help make that happen. I know he is suspected of bootlegging their vitamin products and selling them as his own. I wonder if there is any evidence of that which could be used against him.

    6. It is the level they reach for recruiting a specific amount of people and earning points. They earn commison from selling the products too but it doesn't seem all that important.

      It could be possible that Ahmad helped bring down Yor Health and USANA, but then again, both companies are doing well right now without him. I suspect that he is bootlegging Yor's supplements too, but there is just not enough evidence to prove that. Only if there is someone who knows the old Ahmad, or one of his fired downline. Who knows when will such person appear.........

  42. I wasted $90 and a lot of my time to this company. There's so much "training" and one of them even cost $5 to go to. When I finally told my sponsor that I'm quitting, he became really desperate and even suggested that we talk about it in person (AS IF). He even texted later saying he was disappointed that we couldn't stay friends. Soon the executive and some other people I had "befriended" began contacting me, saying things like how am I doing. I never responded and they finally stopped. Oh, and the coffee looks like shit. I made one last night to show to my mom and she said it smells more like chocolate than coffee. There were even these little white things floating on the surface and they were really hard to wash off my mug. It's all cheap and fake. STAY AWAY FROM ZOIVI

    1. Indeed, STAY AWAY FROM ZOIVI!!!!!

    2. Whistleblower you should update your July blog that says zoicorp no longer sells supplements. Just visit their website and click on products.

  43. Zoicorp is currently selling a complete line of supplements in addition to their coffees.


    I knew people who works at Zoivi, and they told me that the most you can make is $1000, in a year, and that is based on how many people recruited in a week.

    Not everyone here had worked in stores, even if they did, they make enough to live a simple life for the week.

    Yes some people are very smart, smart enough to not get into pyramid schemes such as Zoivi. Is true that network marketing has a lot of freedom, but they have to be real first. For all I know, only Avon is a legit network marketing company, they do direct sells, which is the right way on how a network market company works.

    The difference between a pyramid scheme and network marketing company is that PS gives people money based on the amount of people they recruit, and NM gives money based on how many products sold. If you work for Zoivi or any other companies, I'm sure you already know which one is your company.

  45. Thanks for the info! Truthfully I was approached by one of the Zoivi guys, who happens to be one my old classmate, and he asked me if i had a job and i told him that i was still looking. Then he starts talking about this great company he currently worked in, and he said that his boss retired at the age of 30, and he has a mansion in queens and he is living this lavish lifestyle. After a couple of minutes, he began asking me if i was interested and that he could make an appointment for me to meet with one of their leaders or whatever. i thought it was fishy but i didn't accept nor reject. So then he asked me for my number and i gave it to him. Then for literally a whole week, he called me in the afternoon, telling me to come to his company, wearing a suit and be ready to get interviewed, i kept wondering why he was so desperate to recruit me into his company, I rejected him in the end though and he never called me again, but i still see him standing with other people, trying to recruit college students as they are walking, stopping them and asking them what their major was etc etc. Luckily i didn't join, again, thanks for the info!

    1. sounds like he is following the script, which is provided here.

  46. I don't like MLMs, but my friend was in Zoivi and tried recruiting me. I did not join as a member, but did buy the set as a customer. I have always been overweight because of my thyroid. The members in zoivi are nice, but most of them do not have personality. They seem to act and copy the CEO's interest and pretend they all have similar interests, which made a lot of them boring and stereotypical. It really is brainwash. I might have even joined if they had more originality in who they were. This made me dislike talking to them on their social events, but the truth is the products DID work. The DTX and burn helped me lose weight and did make me feel healthier. The products were overprice though! But they did work for me.

    On another note, the lower leaders or executives seem like they make a decent amount, but by going through the number and compensation plan, it doesn't seem like they would make that much with their current about of sales or recruited members. They don't even seem to make 20k. My friend said the top executives of the big teams are making a "front" to make it seem like they're making quarter of a mil, but it does seem that their teams are big enough to make 6 figures.

    Does anyone have proof they make that much or is it a front? Current members should also think about this, otherwise your leaders are just lying to you.

    1. I also know a person from Zoivi, he hated it, and told me that Evaji once told him the products were actually placebos, I can't verify that since I am not involved.

      It is sad to see all those would be smart people brainwashed into thinking they are in some sort of great company.

      yes, the leaders are lying to them. that person I knew from Zoivi also told me that the money they "earned" were really other people's membership fee, paying for products. what those people earned were money from people whom they recruited.

      what they really earn: about $1000 for a year.

  47. Your grammar is disgusting. That's what not going to school does to you.

  48. They probably changed the name of the company or it's another of their useless products but what ever it is They're now advertising NuViza

    1. Yeah they changed their name as of yesterday. Time to change the blogs name or add to it??

    2. thank you for the updated information, already updated the news section.

  49. Their new website new name NuViza but same products + logo and aspiring words not so smart Evaji ;-)

    1. I guess they realized that "zoivi" has bad reputation.

    2. I do need to ask a favor for you anonymous folks out there. If someone can create a brand new blog, we can both link the blog to each other. This blog had deep roots with the name Zoivi already, and I simply do not have the time to change all the names. I think it is the best to just leave it the way it is and continue to go on top of the search engine.

    3. I guess they are following the same trend as Amway when they changed their name


    5. recommended by Richard Chen

  50. Hello From México, I just want to update you that Ms. Deniz Felix are trying me to recruiting to "Nuviza" actually I really belive her, I am in the process to join me and I am already work in all my profiles, pages and everything about Nuviza Mexico, buuut I am seeing this blog now so I think I will retrac me, can you help me??

    They are launching a "Marketing Strategy" to open México.

    Thank you

    1. Hola Enrique! Solo tu saves que haces con tu vida y yo no soy quien para decirte que hacer con ella pero si te voy a dar un consejo y es que por favor no te unas a esta compañia solo tu sabras si lo tomas o no, esta compañia es un fraude monetario/pocas palabras una piramide y como probablemente ya te diste cuenta que la compañia a cambiado de nombre varias veces de 2G2,Zoivi/Zvi,10Go energy a NuViza te daras cuenta que quizas no es tan Buena como ellos les gusta decir exageradamente por que una compañia buena no cambia su nombre en lo absoluto y veras que cuando NuViza ya no produsca dinero por que la gente se aya dado cuenta de su fraude lo remplasaran con otro nombre y asi seguir engañando a mas gente. Todos los testimonios son por personas que an estado en la piramide desde el principio como Ana Wood,Deniz Felix y Stephanie Salazar entre otros. Deniz Felix fue recruida por Saul Tepizila uno de los representantes de Zoivi / NuViza bajo el mando de Ahmad Evaji. Deniz Felix no es una persona de confiar es mas ni fue a la preparatoria pero se Cree superior a Todos diciendo que quieren gente professional no gente ignorante sin educasion, por otra parte el lider de NuViza Ahmad Evaji empezo sus fraudes como representante en una compañia llamada Usana despues estuvo en YOR Health junto con Tepizila y Ana wood y que la unica manera de hacer dinero es estar en la Punta de la piramide Evaji decidio empesar la suya. En mi opinion solo in estupido no se daria cuenta de el fraude que estos llevan . Seria una gran ayuda que se corra la voz para advertir a la gente de Mexico y todas partes que no sean victimas de este fraude y la falta de blogs en español sobre esta compañia hacen falta. Enrique hiciste muy bien en informarte primero antes de cometer un error te deseo mucha suerte y espero entiendas mi español que casi no lo practico , cuidate

    2. Enrique, I am aware that Deniz and some other reps from NuViza are in Mexico. They should be there for about 4 days. I would advise you to spread the word to everyone else to take a look at this site before meeting with Evaji and the others. Let them read the testimonials here so they can be aware of what the company really is like. Deniz Felix cares about no one but herself. The testimonials about her stealing Credit Card info is true. She is a big scam! STAY AWAY FROM NUVIZA

  51. Enrique, just forget about going back to any of their meetings!!! Forget about that SLUT Deniz Felix. She doesn't make shit.....She's broke and can't afford to live on her own. She recently moved to a ghetto part of Brooklyn and is living like a Mexican so they can all chip in for rent.

    1. This is a racist comment and let me tell you something not all of us Mexicans have that way of life so please stop with your nasty comments because there's no need for that! It only makes you seem like the ghetto one. I get that you dislike the company specially Deniz Felix as well as me but if you don't have any smart things to say why bother writing

    2. It is true that the comment above you is racist, and I think I know who wrote it. However, I believe in the rumors of Deniz, she is a lost cause. Only a miracle will wake her up but I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon.

    3. She was kind of an easy person back in the days(if you know what I mean) in school hanging around with some other slutty friends she had and I thought she'll grow out of it and since I knew her I believe in the rumors too

  52. Ps- Deniz Feliz is so broke she will steal your Credit Card info to pay her bills......and She's a whore in NuViza. Let her tell you the Jacky Lin drama

  53. Enrique, if you are an Upline then you are expected to lead by example. If the Company NuViza is about healthy weight loss products then why the hell is that SLUTY WHORE Deniz Felix so damn huge like an elephant?!?! Obviously the presentations that they give are only of the few members who whet a little extra mile to see the results they got. Now if everyone did go the extra mile to get in shape the products from NuViza is really useless now isn't it? Don't join!!! Please.....

    1. She is huge but why diss the elephant ??

  54. Whistleblower, you put a lot of work in this blog about Zoivi. Out of curiosity, were you apart of it?
    In my opinion, there are much worse companies than Zoivi. My cousin was part of Herbalife and my brother joined WorldVentures. Herbalife had insanely high fees and you spend a few thousand just to restock your supply to gain points. My brother was in WorldVentures, he was busy recruiting and hoping to get a BMW and travel. He admits he never sold vacation packages, the main thing was to recruit. His upline that got his BWM recently quit, because he didn't make enough.

    Even though Herbalife's products work, it's very hard to sell all the products that you have to buy each month.

    If you were part of Zoivi, I understand your attack, but if you also would like to bring light to worse companies, I would like to help. Are there other people that have been apart or recruited by these companies?

    1. I am not was not nor will be part of Zoivi but I will like to bring it down just because

    2. I like your spirit. Email me and we will talk.

  55. I thought Ms. Felix was living at the "corporate mansion" with her husband Saul Tepizila. What happened?

    1. The marriage was only for Tepizila's benefit to optain a legal status here since he was a Mexican immigrant for Ms . Felix it was a form of brain washing so she could agree as for the living together part I really doubt it because when a marriage is fake then they're both in separate ways

    2. Hence the reason she screws whoever she wants...The "corporate mansion" was just being rented. Evaji went his way to New Jersey and she's been bouncing around from one apartment to another ever since. Without Evaji she's nothing. Her team MIMO collapsed to barely anyone after she scammed Jefry using his credit card info. Karma is such a bitch. I bet she was one of the main reason why the company decide to change its' name to NuViza.

    3. Who is Jefry? I've seen him on facebook pics and might have seen him on my school campus...

    4. Jefry Adytia was Jeff Hyppolite downline. He was screwing Deniz Feliz-Tinoco before Jacky Lin came in the picture. He was very motivated to tell you the truth but after what she did to him he stopped giving a shit and began telling his downlines the truth behind the company. Team MIMO went crashing down after that.

  56. Anyone have a back story on Jeff Hyppolite and Jacky Lin?

  57. Jeff Hyppolite is Deniz Felix right hand man. He's been there along side her as NuViza was growing. In other word he's her bitch on a leach...He'll do whatever she say no matter how wrong it may be all in the name of ASS which he's been trying to get since back in the days.

  58. As for Jacky Lin, he's just another dumb kid who've making some dumb decisions in his life. Had a good thing going with Jennifer Dong but dropped out of BMCC to join brainwashed and now dating Deniz Felix.

  59. Why would he lower his standards to Felix? That's embarrassing! He must have been desperate. Maybe he had hit a dry spell with Jennifer.

  60. Deniz: Knock knock

    Jefry: Who's there?

    Deniz: Ice-T

    Jefry: Ice-T who?

    Deniz: I steal your Credit Card info hahahaha

    1. There was a drastic change for the worse since his blog changed owners because the actual owner allows stupid childish comments as this one instead to keeping the blog mainly about the scam they are running

  61. I've notice their recently NuViza Blogs / reviews and its the same people / leaders on top of their pyramid Helland Huang, Xiao Chen and others but the saddest part is that even their mentor the CEO Ahmad Evaji has to comment on how wonderful his products are because nobody else would

    1. Sounds like a desperate move in order to convince people their products and trips are legit / how low can you get Ahmad and NuViza reps ??

    2. Their NuViza blogs will feature only the members who have been around for quite a while. It's unlikely that they would take the risk and feature new members when no one seems to be sticking around for too long. That would be a bit embarrassing.

    3. I also noticed that their NuViza Blogs don't feature Deniz. I guess that would be embarrassing as well to promote to the public on of the executives who supposedly is representing the company and taking their products for years but don't seem to be losing weight. I have seen her facebook old pics. The products have done quite the OPPOSITE. Stay away from NuViza. Warn your friends.

  62. Even though I appreciate all the gossip, let's try not to joke about Jefry too much. This guy went rogue on them after what they did to him. Now he is trying to get back to a normal life.

    1. Why would he still hang around them after whatever they did to him? He joins them occasionally in their little bullshit "popfitness" classes

    2. I have a friend who knows him, he was pretty high up. Now that Evaji lost him, there is only Richard and Stephen Chen, Xiao Chen, and Waffa to lead the team other than Evaji. They lost Jennifer Dong too. It is all because of Deniz.

      In the end, it is their loss, they would regret losing them at some point in the future, I guarantee that.

  63. One of the reasons I left was because of Jefry. I was recruited into Jeffry's team a long time ago. He was very promoted to me by Jeff Hyppolite and Deniz Felix, even Evaji would promote he was making money. But when we would go hangout he didn't have any money he would always ask if it wasn't me someone from his team to borrow money. Which at the time I figured it was cool we were friends but then it became a habit and the amounts started increasing. I know he borrowed a lot of money from 3-4 people (in the thousands) and never paid them back. I thought the whole "you'll make your investment back" was bullshit when I saw his situation. He would also tell us how much he disliked Jeff because he was a stuck up, and Richard Chen because he wouldn't do shit and was always promoted, i remember this one event they had where Richard Chen was promoted to what they call an executive diamond and evaji said "you know how you do that?" and jefry whispered "kiss ass". He hated Xiao because at the time she was dating Evaji anda couple of other girls and he would always say how the only reason xiao would get promoted and not him was because he wasnt sleeping with the ceo. I finally left because found out everything is bullshit, waste of time. He didnt agree with evajis business ethics he said that many times. I always wondered why he was there and complained so much about how he didnt like anyone there. Weird!

    1. Thank you for telling us what you know. Jefry had quit a long time ago, whatever you have to say about him, it doesn't matter anymore.

  64. He told me how he would bitch at jeff and deniz about these people and they never did anything about it. I had my own shit to deal with and this was too much drama and I left.

  65. I was classmates with Deniz in h.s. and if all of this is true im shocked because she didnt speak much to anyone at all. I didnt pay much mind to her but I do know people who didnt like her mostly cuz guys would try to talk to her. One thing my friend told me was at the time she was with some guy who was crazy I even think he use to beat her but it doesnt seem like things worked out her way lol.

  66. I want that company to die!!!!

    1. I want all pyramid schemes to die!!!! I was recently invited to an Amway meeting. Went to their seminar, exactly the same as Zoivi's seminar. Amway is the company that started it all, it is like an epidemic.

  67. So happy I found this blog. Two girls I went to high school with are part of this pyramid scam. Most of my friends were friends with Kelland but I was friends with Carolina. I'm glad they're happy doing this shit, but I don't want to be involved. The latter texted me asking me how I was. I will admit I was kind of rude but I had a feeling that she was going to try to sell me coffee. She asked me if I drank coffee and I went off on this huge rant about how much I love espresso. She basically stopped texting me after that. A few months pass and I receive another text from her. I figured I'd just rant about espresso and it's magical weight loss effects. She stopped completely. I decided to research this 10go shit and boy did it not disappoint. Thanks for the blog!

    1. glad you liked what is being presented here!! :) good job at shutting down Carolina with your espresso rants.

    2. Good job man i hate that kelland girl thinks she is all that. Likes to make people feel less

    3. Thanks! Tbh, the way I see it, they're like STD's. I don't want one, so I'm going to stay far away.

  68. I was in the company for a while..

    Stephanie: You can clearly see her lack of self seem because of the attention she feens for. Selfies ALL day looong so fucking annoying!!! I had to delete the damn girl from my fb list she kept switching her damn profile pic to pump up the likes, people who are really admired just put it up once and thats it, you don't look like 300 likes deary maybe ppl do it bc you keep slapping the pics in their face. Someone please tell her ti first go get a nose job and fix that pickled face, lose some weight or don't wear clothes that looks like its ready to explode on her. When I was with Zoivi she was the most pretentious person I've met in general. When I was there she was promoted but quickly fell out because of her bad people skills, not a lot of people from her team liked her. I don't really think she cares much about anyone else but herself, i got that feeling from her when i asked her why was she working with the company. Dated jorge.

    Jeff: this dude doesn't say much and doesn't do much. Just kisses whoever ass needs to be kissed at the time. I know many people from his team didn't like him either.

    Richard: Selfish, Condescending, Smart ass. Talks people down, Not worth talking to.

    Deniz: she is everything about numbers numbers. Like she is under evajis spell. She only talks to people that "produce". Every one was scared of her from what i heard i just didnt speak to her much. Married with Saul but dates Jacky?!?

    Saul: this guy won't kill a fly, because he is too slow to catch it!!! Didn't hear much from him except that people thought he was kinda slow and couldnt speak english for shizzz after being her for so long. Married to deniz!?!

    1. The marriage was a fake for Saul's legal status !!!

  69. Jorge: such a jerk money this and that, so annoying. None could stand him.

    Jefry: Attention whore should be his name. i stopped talking ti him bc i wondered why until jlnow he still hangs out with that crew if he didnt like them. Always talked shit bout evaji and his business practices. He messed around with the evajis sister waffa evaji and made sure everyone knew.

    Waffa evaji: super bipolar maybe menopause and treats people really bad, has a nasty attitude.

    Xiao: this girl i think her brain fell down to her ass, ditsy as fuck. Everyone you talk to her "huh? "Duh", wtf!?! That explains alot on how you recruit.

    All in all i think these people do this business because they want attention in theoir life and prob is true the average person doesn't get much attention but is this the kind of attention you want. I tried to explain this to the person who recruited me. If you've been to their interviews or seminars and youve experienced this from any of them now you know. If you wanna go on worship day go on nlo seminar. People go wooow at anything evaji says. I've been to other seminars and i never see the speaker talk so much about himself.

  70. Holy shit! This blog is serious. A girl named alice try to recruit me and i went for a while but never entered. I wanted to feel the people out and i thought alice was cute. Then i found out from someone close to her and some of the guys she had slept around with many of them. Angel, jorge, jacky, jefry, chris I even think tapazela.

    1. I'm surprised Jon Olivo wasn't mentioned.

  71. I have a question. So I joined a while back and paid 390 and never showed up. Can they charge me more money ? If not, they still have my ss number and i never said i quited, so how do i go around this? Please help.

  72. To Whom It May Concern,

    Please remove and permanently delete this content and all related content from your blog. Since you are the main account holder, based on the information that you have provided in your posts, please delete any private information that you have been gathering on ZoiVi, NuViza, and their corporate staff and independent contractors. We have contacted local law enforcement and they advised us to contact you directly. We appreciate your cooperation. Have a great day!


  73. Thank god I also found this blog. Glad to know that so many other people think ZVI is a huge fucking scam and I feel so sorry for some of these people that joined it.

    Not to talk bad about them but I actually had two of my friends, Carolina and Kelland, who I went to H.S and College with to get sucked into this shithole. Kelland dropped out of college to pursue ZVI but Carolina had some sense and stayed and finished. Kelland even tried to get me to join ZVI and I went to their meeting once with an open mind only to prove myself right. This whole thing was complete BS. I cut her off completely after she tried to pull that shit on me. She tried to recruit my other friends too, to only get rejected and ruin the friendships. The one thing that saddens me is that Kelland was an extremely smart girl in high school and college. This girl was like A+ smart material, but somehow got brainwashed and sucked into this mess.

    As for Carolina, she was also a very sweet and nice girl. Very caring and all. She still is, but she also got dragged into the ZVI mess through Kelland. I genuinely feel sorry for her because she is so much better than this ZVI crap and could have gotten a lot further in life if she didn't put herself in this mess.

    Let's not even start with Xiao Chen. She went full retard with this. She had the balls to contact my friend after not talking for like 3 years and trying to sweet talk her and all only to try to recruit her. Some of these ZVI zombies need their brains reworked.
